Category Archives: family

Guest Blogger

Hi everyone! I’m back and glad! This was our last full day in Cornwall but it has been, of course ,wonderful so far. Today, I went to Choir with Granny and was probably one of the best ones I’ve been to. Everybody is always so nice and welcoming and loves to help me during songs I don’t know. My favourite song was a Liberian song where we sang Cockadoodledoo in Liberian so if I ever want to go to Liberia, I can say Cockadoodledoo!
(I’ve tried to add an MP4 here but it’s not working – yet)

The day was foggy and murky yet seeing the ship wrecks on the mud was like a scarecrow in a field of daisies.

Later on, we went to Porthtowan for what was meant to be a fleeting encounter with the waves and pebbles but we got caught up and forgot time was running and stayed there for almost an hour stepping over stones and finding lettered pebbles.


Insect, Pigeon and LiveWires

A very delicate Lacewing was on our windscreen and stayed there long enough for me to get a photo. And, as you can see, we have had blue skies today!

We were joined by an unusually coloured and rather pretty pigeon while we were waiting at the train station for two LiveWires and their Mum to arrive.

As always, our first stop was the beach, Porthtowan being a family favourite. The seas were still wild though the storm had passed, the winds were still strong and the Lifeguards had the red flag up, much to LiveWire no 2’s disappointment as he wanted to swim! It is such a delight to have some family here for a few days.



Mothers’ Day

A day for all mothers, all those who care with love for others.

I have been truly spoiled today! Daughter no 1 came for the day and we went out for lunch and had a lovely walk on the beach at Porthtowan.

A beautifully presented bouquet arrived from Daughter no 2 before I had showered this morning, delivered with a lovely message and all in purple, white and green, a reminder, if any of us need it, of our pride in our treasured history, my Great Granny being a suffragette.

Thanks KJ

And in a card that I opened at breakfast, some stunning earrings, in the same precious colours, that Daughter no 3 had had specially made for me!

Beautifully handmade by Tina

What perfectly lovely people our daughters are.



Marmalade and My Dad

The house has been full of the wonderful smell of marmalade today, first the fruit boiling and then the marmalade and we now have lots more to take us through the year. We put some oranges in the freezer and will cook these when the making calls or we are near to running out.  I was surprised to find I had no labels so the labelling of thin cut and thick cut will have to wait a day or two.

Regular readers will know that my Dad was the marmalade maker in my childhood home and it was he who taught me the skill. It seems fitting then that today, his birthday, I have spent with him in spirit in the kitchen with me, praising and appreciating my efforts. Thanks, Dad.


Posted by on January 13, 2024 in family, Food, Postaday 2024


Love, Doves and Peace

It’s Christmas Eve and I send love and peace  to all my Readers out there in the world. 

I love that some of our cards are of doves as friends also wish for peace.

Our family from Spain, visas granted have arrived in London today to spend the first week with siblings and cousins and will be with us for New Year. Great excitement all round!


Sisters, A Birthday and A Hope

A lovely memory in this photo of me and my sister when we were in Seattle..

Today is the birthday of Danylo, one of our Ukrainian friends, who were with us last year. I made this angel with him in mind last year, in the colours of Ukraine and with the words ‘a walk on the beach by the sea’ as that is what he loved to do when staying with us.

Happy Birthday, Danylo

Not sure if I have posted this before. It is always pertinent.


Guest blogger again!

Hi, It’s LiveWire 3 again! This time we arrived spontaneously because we love coming here and take every chance we get to come to Cornwall and see our family! Today we had a magical beach trip to Kynance Cove which was unimaginably beautiful. It was like being in Spain or Italy! The water was bluer than sapphire, it was like a matching outfit, the sky as a shirt, the sea as trousers. It was absolutely idyllic!


In the evening, we traveled up the ferny hill to a castle, but not just any castle, a restaurant! The castle floated over some massive rocks and it felt like we were royals in the 16th century! We walked up the stairs and sat down, surrounded by stones and sunshine. It was so cosy – especially with the candles! Our food was so delicious and I don’t think the plates even needed to be cleaned after we’d finished!


We watched the sunset through the windows and as we left everything was orange so we stood behind those massive rocks and just immersed ourselves in the sunlight.



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Today, Words and A Thank You

Rain outside and baking inside. One family with LiveWires can’t come, another is stepping up and arriving tomorrow with LiveWires 2 and 3.  Hooray!

I found these words today and love them – (Found on Facebook and hope it’s okay to put on here.)

Thank you Anita Krizzan


Posted by on August 13, 2023 in family, Postaday 2023, Uncategorized



Geranium, Woodpecker and A Special Find

Despite the crazy cold and wet weather, the tough Geranium outside the kitchen window continues to bloom.

We do like it when the Woodpecker visits.

It’s been a day of sorting – papers, clothes, books and subsequent trips to the charity shop.  One of my special finds was a lovely postcard from 1975, sent by my kid sister who was summer holiday travelling and working in Canada and America. Her message on the back talks about the beautiful sunrises and sunsets that she is experiencing.  I love the poem on the card she sent to us, the words are clearer on the second photo. We are obviously cut from the same cloth!


Strawberry Moon, Trough and My Mum

Last night’s almost full Strawberry moon had a halo around it and just about lit up the houses on the hill in silhouette.

Our trough full of edible plants is looking good. There are various lettuces, chives and garlic chives, Spring onions and Viola flowers to decorate salads and cakes.

It’s 30 years today since my lovely Mum died. This is my favourite photo of us together at one of the celebrations for her and Dad’s Golden wedding anniversary. This was taken in Carn Brea Castle as we were waiting to go into the dining room for dinner.  The second photo is of her with her Mum.

