Monthly Archives: February 2017

Daffodils, Symbiosis and Celandine

I went on another search around St Euny graveyard today. Daffodils are beginning to bloom.


I love the oak tree at the start of the lane. Just look at the ferns and the moss growing on the leafless branches and today we have a beautiful blue sky with scudding fluffy clouds.


Celandines are so pretty with the bronze outside and the golden yellow inside.




New Yarn, Research and Brian Patten

I have some beautiful new yarn for my ongoing project which I can’t tell you much more about until March and LiveWire T’s birthday!


I have spent the last three days reading and researching for our project and at the end of it have decided that this one, about a family connected with El Cobre Mine in Cuba, is not a story to tell in the graveyard but one for the booklet. To enlighten you re The Project, called “Until the Day Break”: in May we are to bring to life some of the ‘residents’ of our local Churchyard, St Euny and we will tell their stories beside their gravestones. The stories are to be a celebration of the lives lived and have led to some remarkable discoveries. Today, I have come to the conclusion that fascinating as it is, the story of El Cobre Mine in Cuba is not an uplifting one so not one for the performance. It is however, well worth the telling. Watch this space! When the booklet is published I will share it with you all.

It was these two gravestones that set me off on the story –



The Mersey poet, Brian Patten, whose work I love and whom I met many years ago, was born on this day in 1946. To mark his birthday, I give you  “The Bee’s Last Journey to the Rose” which , though written many years ago, says much to me about hope for the future. I hope it does the same for you.

The Bee’s Last Journey to the Rose

I came first through the warm grass
Humming with Spring,
And now swim through the evening’s
Soft sunlight gone cold.
I am old in this green ocean
Going a final time to the rose.

North wind, until I reach it
Keep your icy breath away
That changes pollen into dust.
Let me be drunk on this scent a final time,
Then blow if you must.

by Brian Patten


Posted by on February 7, 2017 in Beauty, knitting, poetry, postaday2017


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Calico Cat, Dr Seuss and Rupert Bear

This beautiful Calico cat  was enjoying the warmth in the greenhouse at the Duchy Nursery the other day.


This is good advice form Dr Seuss.

Be who you are!

When my brother was very small he loved Rupert Bear and called him Woopity Bear.  Our neighbours were clearing out some treasures and gave me this lovely reminder of childhood and of my brother as a little boy.



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Grandbaby Twins, Ukulele Festival and Sparkles

I have been give permission to show you our beautiful Grandbaby Twins, LiveWires 5 and 6. Our newest granddaughter is on the left and her brother on the right.

LiveWire S and LiveWire M

LiveWire S and LiveWire M

The 2nd Cornwall Ukulele Festival was nearby today and I went over to see some of my friends performing.It was enormous fun, everyone having such a good time but photos of people singing are often not the best so here I show a guitar under construction, being made by Martin Douglas.


As I left Heartlands the sun was creating sparkles on the lake.



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Bus, Edgeworthia Chrysantha and Cornish Hedges

In Chacewater today we were behind another of our new Tinner buses with charming slogans on the back. Here’s another if you missed it. I’m trying to get them all.


We discovered a new plant in the Pengelly Garden Centre at Hewas Water  today, lots of long stems each with a flower at the end. Isn’t it pretty? We didn’t get one but we did buy a dozen Snowdrops in the green to add to our collection.


We had lunch outside at The Duchy Nursery on their terrace with a long view over to Restormel Castle and some delightful wiggly hedges that amused me. I zoomed in to show you the detail.




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Double Rainbow, Mahonia and Wet Bark





Posted by on February 3, 2017 in Beauty, nature, Photography, Uncategorized


Sailor’s Barometer, Parking and A Maori Proverb

Last night we could see that a storm was on its way as the water in the Sailor’s Barometer was rising. We heard the winds in the night and there has been a hoolie blowing all day. This afternoon, the water in the Barometer had risen to the top and overflowed and we have Met Office weather warnings out for storms on Friday and Saturday so who knows what it will show tomorrow!



The tide was full in as I went to park on Exchequer Quay for singing this morning and the only space left was right at the front facing the river. I took this photo from inside my little VW Beetle. It felt almost too close for comfort!


A Blogger friend posted this Maori proverb today. I find it a little more light in the darkness. Thanks Lou Ann and KSBETH.

“Turn your face to the sun and the shadows fall behind you.”  ~  Maori proverb

Let us all turn to face the sun, together and in strength.


Plaits, A Shower and Seaweeds

Today, B asked for three plaits. I had told her about her Auntie KJ who, when she was little, always wanted an odd number of plaits, sometimes seven and always demanded different coloured ribbons on each!


B shed her coat with all the exertion of running up and down Church Lane and even when it rained did not want her coat on, saying that her leaf was shelter enough, thank you very much!


Later, after lunch at The Gylly Cafe in Falmouth, we spent some time on a very windy beach and B collected seaweeds, all of which she could name!


It is the lovely Mr S’s birthday today so it was a particular pleasure for him to have one of his daughters and her daughter here too, to help celebrate.

