Daily Archives: February 13, 2017

Peace, A New Book and More Embroidery

Yesterday we collected flat pebbles at Portreath and today LiveWire T wrote kind and loving  words on them.


This morning the family went to visit The Poldark Mine and found it fascinating. I couldn’t go as I had to go to my Pilates class which helps me stay mobile!  LiveWire J was full of information that he had learned and was very struck by the fact that boys his age had to go down the mine to work!  We feel that the time is ripe for him to be given my Dad’s, his Great Grandfather’s novel, Jeremy Visick to read. He has promised to look after it and to tell me how he gets on with it.


LiveWire T has continued to work on her free embroidery and is taking great care with each stitch. This is our last day with them so we will need to finish it off early tomorrow morning before they leave at 9.30.



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