Daily Archives: August 5, 2017

Fountain, Feeding and Engine Houses

Our copper fountain has been installed at last. It is in the last patch of the garden to be sorted and I have all the ferns and shade lovers ready to plant around it. I love the sound of the trickling water.  We put the pebbles into each cup to enhance the trickle sound.

Fountain trickles

We walked up the back around The Great Flat Lode tonight and were amused by the cows eating in tandem and the calf having a good feed. We are so lucky to be able to walk out of the front door and into such spaces.

Calf having supper

Munching grass in unison

Along the trail is Wheal Uny and another engine house. From one angle they looked very like the ones Dad had sketched many years ago (see yesterday’s post)  but aren’t quite right. The mast would have gone up much later and the bushes have grown but we think we have to keep looking.

Engine houses up on the Flat Lode Trail – the ones Dad sketched?


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