Category Archives: Arizona

Sea Air and Winslow, Arizona

We needed sea air today and went to Godrevy for ice creams and a stroll breathing in the wonderful fresh air.

On our trip, we stopped off in Winslow, Arizona for a break. I love spotting murals in the small towns and also found a butterfly. The hotel, La Posada, is such a lovely spot, full of beautiful things. Enjoy the gallery.



Oak Street Canyon, Jerome and Earrings

On September 6th, we went to the lovely old mining town of Jerome to visit our nephew, an artist in glass whose work I have shown you here before. It’s an interesting drive through the Oak Street Canyon, a switch back ride through forests. The switchback can be seen in four places in the photo.

We had a delightful visit with Mark and his artist girlfriend who are, together, the featured artists in a local gallery

The poster


As we went back up the Oak Street Canyon we stopped at the overlook where there was a craft market and I bought some beautiful locally made beaded earrings.

Aren’t these gorgeous?


Singing, The Grand Canyon and Dancing

It was so good to be back singing with my choir this morning with the Penryn River at high tide looking so very beautiful.

Ripples on the river

More Grand Canyon photos for you. Click on any photo for a bigger version. It truly is an awe inspiring place. It truly takes one’s breath away.

Each time we have been to the Grand Canyon, we have gone right up into the dark carpark, to dance under the stars. We have Bruce Springsteen with us!



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Dahlias, The Grand Canyon and Singing

These beautiful dahlias from her allotment are a gift from Sue-next-door – just a glorious pompom of rich ruby red.

Gorgeous! Thanks Sue.

We had a lovely time at the North Rim – short walks, watching sunsets and one sunrise, meeting other travellers and reading on our verandah.

And – there was singing! What an enjoyable and funny evening this was! Click on the photos for all the words. The craziness went on all evening and the whole audience joined in with the new words for tunes we all knew so well.

Ad for the evening


Jewels, Cake and Route 66

While we were away some dear friends visited next door for our lovely neighbour’s birthday and they left me a box of mixed ‘jewels’ for my glass work. I’m looking forward to getting back to it and creating some beautiful angels with pretty decorations.

Thank you C.

Our lovely neighbour Sue-next-door  had an emergency operation yesterday to sort out a detached retina and today I made her the most delicious Rhubarb Cake, which we were introduced to in Arizona, to aid her recovery.

Rhubarb cake with freshly picked rhubarb from our allotment.

We travelled some of the old Route 66 on our way north to the Grand Canyon.



We’re Back, Glimmers and Produce

Hello again Dear Reader!

We’ve been away having adventures, much of the time in a wifi desert but I have been spotting beautiful things for you and over the next few posts, as we sort our 100s of photos,  I’ll share some of the ‘glimmers’ we have been experiencing in Arizona, New Mexico and Georgia as we have spent time with people we love for the first time since 2019.

Beautiful hanks of dyed wool at The Cameron  Trading Post on our way up to the Grand Canyon, North Rim

Three weeks ago we left tomatoes in various stages of ripeness and came home to a bowlful of glorious ripened ones which are now all in a delicious tomato sauce for having with pasta.

There was even more wonderful produce to be harvested in our allotment!

Enormous courgette/zucchini, more tomatoes, rhubarb (for a special cake) and raspberries.

To explain Glimmers if the term is new to you as it was to me.


Super Moon

Super moon over Phoenix, also a blue moon

Posted by on August 31, 2023 in Arizona, photography, Postaday 2023, travel


Freddie and Thanksgiving Love

It’s 31 years since Freddie Mercury died – what a loss but it’s pretty magical that we can continue to enjoy his wonderful performances. Here is a mix video from YouTube. Do click on the link.

It’s Thanksgiving in America and usually we make a turkey dinner to ‘share’ with family and friends in the USA. Somehow this has not been possible this year but we send special love to family in Atlanta, Flagstaff, Hawaii, Jerome, Phoenix and Seattle and to friends in Arizona, California and Vermont and to all my lovely Blogging Pals in states too many to mention.



International Day of Cats – A Poem and Two Cats

I love the following poem by Brian Bilston who has very kindly given me permission to share it with you. I love how, in the humour, he always manages to raise the political and to make clear his feelings. Thank you, Brian.

The following photos are of international cats – one who lives in Arizona and one who lives at the allotment here in Redruth.

Thanks, P, beautiful photo.



Rhododendron, Bouquet and A Kachina

Walking up from town in the rain today, we were stopped in our tracks by this beautiful Rhododenron in a neighbour’s garden.

I picked this little bouquet in our Suffragette garden this afternoon to take to friends where we were planning on tea and cake in the garden. The rain drove us indoors yet again but we had a lovely time together. It’s so good to be able to spend happy times with friends again.

We’ve found a new place for one of our Kachina dolls. This one is a Cricket and we bought it in the Heard Museum in Phoenix in 2016.   For more information on Kachinas,  check out this post.


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