Daily Archives: August 9, 2017

Kindness of Strangers, Armandii and Gladioli

In fact the strangers today were us. As we were leaving a car park in Truro, a young woman with two children in the car – her father’s – drove in and forgot that there was a top box on the car. The box became wedged under the barrier and she could move neither forward nor backwards. The lovely Mr S tried various ways to free the car and eventually went to a nearby hardware store to borrow a crowbar. He discovered that they keep one under the counter especially for such  an emergency. The older boy, about 12 years old, was distraught and allowed me to hug and reassure him while the car was being freed. The younger boy, about 8, thought it all a great adventure though they were both disturbed that so many people seemed to find their plight funny. Some 45 minutes later, they were able to drive away, albeit with a broken top box, waving madly and grinning at us both with relief.

Our Clematis Armandii is in bloom. It is supposed to flower in February/ March. It is cold and very not-summery but not really that cold!

Armandii blossom

Our dramatic Flame Gladioli makes us both smile, here with Verbena Bonariensis and daisies. Look carefully and you will spot a few nearly ripe Blackberries.

Flame Gladioli


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