Daily Archives: August 6, 2017

Boot Sale, Marazion and Coffee Cake

We went early to the car boot sale this morning in the hope of finding baby walkers for our Grandbaby twins who will be visiting very soon. (Imagine the growing excitement!)  We didn’t find walkers but we did find two activity mats which look like fun though now that M is rolling he may not stay on his very long!

After the very busy car boot sale, we went on to Marazion – cool but always beautiful.

Here in Britain, if one makes a coffee cake, it will have coffee in it (like the very delicious Coffee and Pecan Cake)  but we learned when visiting America, that there, a coffee cake is one that goes well with a cup of coffee! Today I felt like baking and found numerous recipes – the one I finally made is an amalgam and it tastes as good as it looks! I’ll post the recipe this week.

Blueberry Streusel Cake


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