Daily Archives: August 14, 2017

Onondaga Nation, Tomatoes and Sand Dollar Earrings

In The Heard Museum in Phoenix last year, I found a beautiful 53″ long wall hanging entitled “Greetings and Thanks to the Natural World, a daily thanksgiving inspired by the Onondaga Nation, Haudenosaunee’. I’ll show you a piece a day for the next ten days.

A Daily Thanksgiving inspired by the Onondaga Nation

Special thanks today go to three of my friends with whom I sing for a lovely hardworking afternoon and to J for a share in his wonderful tomato crop.

Mixed tomatoes

Still sorting! Today I came across such a little treasure in a box of forgotten earrings. I have shown you Sand Dollars before but these are tiny and so perfect and I have never worn them.They measure just over 1cm in diameter. Click here and here to see earlier mentions.

Sand dollar earrings

I am loath to break one of my Sand Dollars to find the ‘five perfect doves’ mentioned but am very tempted. Watch this space!


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