Daily Archives: August 4, 2017

Silver Wings, A Sketch and Micere Githae Mugo

Sometimes a photograph you have just taken sings back at you with its beauty. Such is this one of a bee gathering nectar. I love how its wings are shimmering and even more, I love the shadow cast by that delicacy. Zoom in – it’s gorgeous!

Silver wings and a shadow

Still sorting! In fact it is a mammoth task as I am a bit of a sentimental hoarder, but it, too, is throwing up gems. In an old sketch book that I thought was empty, the sketches having been taken out, I found this by my Dad of some engine houses. Sadly I don’t know which ones.

Charcoal sketch by my Dad, David Wiseman

More serendipity when I decide to find a new poem to share with you, dear Reader. In Wendy Cope’s collection, Is That the New Moon, which I have had for many years, I found this one by Micere Githae Mugo.


sing daughter sing
make a song
and sing
beat out your own rhythms
the rhythms of your life
but make the song soulful
and make life

Take the advice! Make life sing!


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