Daily Archives: July 15, 2018

Cornish Pasty, Blue and Sunshine

I know – I grew up in Cornwall and came home again 10 years ago but today was my first attempt at making Cornish pasties!  I was inspired by Ark and followed a video (, having bought all the correct ingredients yesterday. They didn’t look quite right as my pastry was too friable and thin (apparently I should use strong bread flour for the pastry) but my golly, they tasted good!  I shall be trying again………

My first ever Cornish pasty

The White Lupins are nearly over and we have twenty two blue Agapanthus flowers on the point of opening to take their place in that bed.

Agapanthus, Day Lilies and Everlasting Cornflowers

These days of sunshine and golden light day after day, the way the sun moves from coming in at the kitchen window at the back of our house in the morning to streaming the sunset rays through the front into the sitting room and our bedroom – all remind me of this lovely poem by Linda Pastan. I first discovered her work last April.

In the Kingdom of Midas – Linda Pastan

If you follow the sun
from room to room,
wading in the pools
of light spilled
by that tawny,
molten river,

if you move all day
from east
to west, from kitchen
to study to bed,
by afternoon you’ll see
the bedposts touched

and changed to sheaves of wheat,
and the children born
and nourished there will be
golden tongued
and golden headed.

For you the moon has always been
the pale,
homely sister.
You tell your rosary
in saffron beads of light,

and though one day
you’ll drown
in shade, the sun
will leave its heavy coins
on your closed lids


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