Daily Archives: April 5, 2015

Three Toed Sloth, Lunch and A Little Poem

1   I have finished sewing up Grand-baby B’s birthday present. I have completely fallen in love with the gorgeous, cuddly Three Toed Sloth!

Three Toed Lemur

Three Toed Sloth

2   It has been a beautiful Spring day today and we have had our first lunch in the garden in the sunshine with the scent of Narcissi in the air.

Mozzarella, Tomato and Avocado Salad with a Balsamic dressing

Mozzarella, Tomato and Avocado Salad with a Balsamic dressing

3   We have tidied up the garden – I have raked the soil in one raised bed to a fine tilth, not for vegetables this year but a whole box devoted to flowers, some of them edible for salads and the lovely Mr S has mown the lawn, weeded and dug in the green manure in another of the raised beds. I have taken no more photos since lunch so I have turned to one of my poetry books, Poem for The Day and found this little gem as today’s poem, Celia, Celia by Adrian Mitchell.  It made me smile. I hope you do too.

When I am sad and weary

When I think all hope has gone

When I walk along High Holborn

I think of you with nothing on


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