Tag Archives: Drugrecordings

A Day Out in Granollers

Grannyairs is how to pronounce the name of this town where D&A live. We had an easy day, wandering the streets, listening to street musicians,  people watching – always one of my favourite occupations – and shopping for books and creative bits and pieces for Grandbaby N when she comes to live here. D took us to a Catalonian restaurant, Cala Sila, for lunch and we discovered the most delicious dessert, Crema Catalana – again, photos to follow.

There was a fabulous thunderstorm and I managed to get some lightning shots- look for them next week too! Supper was a delightful surprise as D brought a good friend, Larrick Ebanks,  home and we had a most enjoyable evening. Larick is in the music business and had some brilliant stories to tell. His label  Distinctive Rhythms & Under Ground Sounds is taking off!


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