Daily Archives: April 22, 2017

3DM, A Present and St Ives

A little packet arrived when I was out yesterday and, somehow, by the time I had finished my meeting last night, it was overlooked. Today, what delight! I opened it up and there is the new cd by Three Daft Monkeys and we love it already!

We love the short train ride from Lelant Saltings to St Ives and that was our trip today. We love the art galleries and today, in the Porthminster Gallery, fell in love with a very special piece by Margaret Lovell. We left the gallery and then, at the same moment, turned to each other to say, “We could buy it together for our Golden Wedding present!” And so we did!  We have bought it through Own Art, a brilliant scheme where you pay off the cost over ten months with no interest. I’m not sure we can wait until August to unwrap it but as soon as we do I will show you our very beautiful piece of sculpture.

Enjoy our gallery of our afternoon in St Ives. Click on any photo for a better view.


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