Tag Archives: Weekly Photo Challenge: Foreshadow

Weekly Photo Challenge: Foreshadow

We have a beautiful Sailors’ Barometer and on November 24th last year, it was overflowing telling us that another storm was on the way! Sailors used weather glass barometers to forecast the weather. These simple, yet scientific, devices accurately predict the weather by barometric pressure. Basically, when the water level in the spout is high, it means low air pressure (rain, snow, storm, etc) is imminent. When the water level is low, the barometric pressure is high, and that indicates good weather.

This was, indeed, foreshadowing a cracker of a storm!

Sailors' barometer overflowing 24th November 2012

Sailors’ barometer overflowing 24th November 2012

In contrast, today’s ‘reading’.

Today, a bright sunny 3rd August

Today, a bright sunny 3rd August


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