Tag Archives: Kernow Music Foundation

Smiles, Mixing Deck and André Gide

On my march along the street to singing this morning (trying to get my steps level up!) I went past this smiley invitation to go into the Hospice shop.


We have had a number of pieces of HiFi equipment which have been replaced and rather than sell them, took them along today to our local Radio Station, Kmf, Kernow Music Foundation, at The Venue, where they were very happily received.

KMF Radio

I loved the colours on the mixing deck.

Mixing deck

Yesterday I promised to share some of the words from my precious notebook. From Andre Gide come these beauties:

‘You who will come when I have ceased to hear the noises of this earth and to taste its dew upon my lips, it is for you I write these pages; for perhaps you are not sufficiently amazed at being alive; you do not wonder as you should at this astounding miracle of your life.’

I hope his words touch you as they did me.


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