Daily Archives: August 16, 2023

Guest blogger again!

Hi, It’s LiveWire 3 again! This time we arrived spontaneously because we love coming here and take every chance we get to come to Cornwall and see our family! Today we had a magical beach trip to Kynance Cove which was unimaginably beautiful. It was like being in Spain or Italy! The water was bluer than sapphire, it was like a matching outfit, the sky as a shirt, the sea as trousers. It was absolutely idyllic!


In the evening, we traveled up the ferny hill to a castle, but not just any castle, a restaurant! The castle floated over some massive rocks and it felt like we were royals in the 16th century! We walked up the stairs and sat down, surrounded by stones and sunshine. It was so cosy – especially with the candles! Our food was so delicious and I don’t think the plates even needed to be cleaned after we’d finished!


We watched the sunset through the windows and as we left everything was orange so we stood behind those massive rocks and just immersed ourselves in the sunlight.



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