Tag Archives: Tyrannosaurus Rex by Laura Frances Martin

Peace, Pablo Neruda’s ‘Lemon’ and City of Lights

1   Today I have joined Bloggers for Peace. I like their philosophy.

Bloggers for peace

Bloggers for Peace

2   I have long loved the poetry of Pablo Neruda and on the Bloggers for Peace blog found this gem from him that I hadn’t heard before. As one who loves cooking and words, I really appreciate this.

Pablo Neruda

Let me give you one of my favourites, a really beautiful evocation of that lovely fresh fruit, the lemon. Read it slowly and you can taste the lemon as you do so.

A Lemon

Out of lemon flowers
on the moonlight, love’s
lashed and insatiable
sodden with fragrance,
the lemon tree’s yellow
the lemons
move down
from the tree’s planetarium

Delicate merchandise!
The harbors are big with it-
for the light and the
barbarous gold.
We open
the halves
of a miracle,
and a clotting of acids
into the starry
original juices,
irreducible, changeless,
so the freshness lives on
in a lemon,
in the sweet-smelling house of the rind,
the proportions, arcane and acerb.

Cutting the lemon
the knife
leaves a little cathedral:
alcoves unguessed by the eye
that open acidulous glass
to the light; topazes
riding the droplets,
aromatic facades.

So, while the hand
holds the cut of the lemon,
half a world
on a trencher,
the gold of the universe
to your touch:
a cup yellow
with miracles,
a breast and a nipple
perfuming the earth;
a flashing made fruitage,
the diminutive fire of a planet.

3   Tonight, in the wind and the rain, we have been to Truro to see the beautiful City of Lights Parade which warms the cold winter streets with the glow of enormous paper lanterns made of twisted willow and tissue paper. Here is a selection of the ones I was able to photograph. Click on any one to see the detail. The last one is the Tyrannosaurus Rex that I helped twist the willows for. It is made by Laura Frances Martin.

Tyrannosaurus Rex by Laura Frances Martin

Tyrannosaurus Rex by Laura Frances Martin


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