Tag Archives: Hunter’s Moon

Hunter’s Moon, Planting and Soul Cakes

There was a full moon last night, the Hunter’s Moon, and as I said yesterday, the sky was full of clouds. Later, though, they cleared for a short time and I managed to get photos and of the partial eclipse so I went to bed happy!

When there are extra baby plants at Roots, volunteers are invited to give them a home. Today, in our edibles trough, I planted lots of over wintering lettuces and hope they will survive. At Roots they are planted in poly tunnels. Here they will just have plastic cloches over them so we shall see.

We have been invited to a Celebration of Samhain next Tuesday, 31st October, Hallowe’en so I looked up what is traditionally eaten at Samhain and found Soul Cakes. Today I have made some. They taste good but seem rather heavy……  We’ll see how they go down on Tuesday evening around the fire!


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