Daily Archives: March 10, 2021

Surprise, Kitchen Implement and Pudding

A parcel arrived today, all out of the blue as we hadn’t ordered anything for ages. Imagine my delight when I found it contained blooms and a note sending love for a Happy Mother’s Day/Week! It was beautifully wrapped, each stem carefully protected and a lovely instruction booklet which has lots of advice about how to protect the flowers  so they last as long as possible. There is even advice on how to arrange them effectively. I’ll show you a proper photo tomorrow as one of the things they say is take any photos tomorrow as your flowers will be ‘sleepy after their long journey to you!’

The hosts on Radio Cornwall this afternoon were talking about old kitchen implements and I was reminded of one that I haven’t used for a while. I used to love using it as a little girl and need to share it with LiveWires next time they visit as it is a very satisfying piece to use.Can you guess its purpose?

I love watching Masterchef and caught up on an episode this afternoon as the winds blew woolies around the house.  I can usually resist going straight into the kitchen but when 3 out of 4 of the contestants make Sticky Toffee Puddings, well, what can you do? The recipe made eight puddings so one has gone next door and the spare five will go into the freezer for the next time that the need arises!


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