Tag Archives: teaching English

Beaten Eggs, Chief Seattle and A Model Of Me

1   This morning I made carrot cakes and was very taken with the colours, especially the pattern made by the teaspoon of vanilla essence in the beaten eggs and oil.

Beaten eggs with oil and vanilla

Beaten eggs with oil and vanilla

2   Talking with Don today about caring for our Earth, I had to go and look up a half-remembered piece written by Chief Seattle. I found it and here it is. I hope you’ll agree that the words and the sentiment are very important and very beautiful.

Humankind has not woven the web of life. We are but one thread within it. Whatever we do to the web, we do to ourselves. All things are bound together. All things connect.

– Chief Seattle, Duwamish

3    I have had this little model for many, many years. It was made by S, a very talented writer in one of my English classes. He was a restless sixteen year old who needed encouragement, both to believe in his own talent and to sit still!  I discovered that, given something to model with, his concentration on the literature we were studying increased hugely. One day, at the end of the lesson, he presented me with this precious little model, made of Blutak. It’s me – curly hair, long skirt, a necklace and a scarf, carrying books and a heavy bag of files and with a huge grin on my face. I was so touched and I have kept this little treasure ever since.
Thank you, S. I hope you have become the writer I thought you could become. Maybe you went on to make models in the style of Wallace and Gromit!   Maybe one of my ex-pupils who reads this will tell you of this post!

The model of me in the style of Wallace and Gromit

The model of me in the style of Wallace and Gromit


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