Tag Archives: marjoram

Bee, School Reports and A Sand Dollar

I spotted a Bee on the Marjoram this morning. It had collected so much pale yellow pollen it could hardly fly off.

Bee on the Marjoram

More sorting today and a great deal of pleasure! I found school reports for two pupils from many years ago, both of whom I thought might well have a career in writing so I saved their reports to be able to say later, “I used to teach this young man/young woman!”   I managed to track down one of them and we had a delightful conversation about his career so far. It pleases me so much to hear from ex-pupils and to hear their enthusiasm. His report contained phrases such as, ‘S has an enviable talent for original writing,’ ‘an intuitive feel for language,’ and ‘S writes fluently with imagination and skill.’  Plenty of time yet to fulfil his dreams.

Among my treasures to sort is this sand dollar which we picked up  over 30 years on our first visit to America to see my brother and we discovered the delicacy of sand-dollars on the beach near Savannah. Isn’t it beautiful?

Echinodiscus tenuissimus test (Astriclypeidae)


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