Tomatoes, Soup and Cake

23 Oct

Over the last couple of weeks at Community Roots, the tomato tunnels have been cleared and last week we brought home lots of green tomatoes. I put them with a ripe banana in the hope that they might ripen. ( Ripe bananas give off a gas called ethylene which helps other fruit to ripen.) It worked!

So, today I made tomato soup!

And then I made a Plum, Almond and Chocolate Cake for tomorrow’s coffee break at Community Roots. I’ve adapted the recipe to make it gluten free so that everyone can have a piece.


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8 responses to “Tomatoes, Soup and Cake

  1. greenbenchramblings

    October 24, 2023 at 5:56 pm

    What a beautiful looking cake and I bet it tastes even better!

    • mybeautfulthings

      October 25, 2023 at 7:07 pm

      It does! It went down very well with all the hard working volunteers. 🙂

  2. Lisa -Southern Patches

    October 24, 2023 at 9:08 am

    That cake looks amazing. Tomato soup is my favorite.

    • mybeautfulthings

      October 25, 2023 at 7:08 pm

      It is rather delicious and the home-made tomato soup the best I’ve ever had – never made it before, only had it out of a can! Today we had the rest of it with a dollop of pesto and that made it even better. 🙂

  3. Awakening Wonders

    October 23, 2023 at 7:50 pm

    I’m all in for a slice of the Plum, Almond and Chocolate Cake!


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