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Pansy Surprise, A Visit and Generosity

Last night, as the lovely Mr S was locking up, he found a bag on the doorstep. I contained a very pretty purple and white Pansy plant in a container. There was no message or card but it has to be from someone who knows me well, the colours being the Suffragette colours. If you read this, lovely friend, please give me a call!

Purple, white and green, photo taken at night with flash

2    Daughter No 3 is in Devon for a couple of days so came down for lunch today. What a delight to have them here, if only for a couple of hours!  Littlest Live-wire is so full of language and stories, questions and make-believe. The garden, as always, found her exploring.

B feeding a flower to the Hare sculpture

3   A young friend has been the instigator of a Charity project to collect items for the refugees in Calais – Falmouth’s Donation Day Drop-off for Calais. We went over this afternoon with our contribution to find J and her friend almost overwhelmed by the fabulous generosity of the people in Falmouth and around. People had been arriving all day with tins and packets of food as well as warm coats, hats and scarves for the increasingly cold weather and many other items. Volunteers have been helping to sort and pack things into boxes and it just shows how lovely so many people are. I am a great believer in the fact that he humanity of humans will always shine through.

In the theatre at Princess Pavilions with boxes and boxes of donations.

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