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Six on Saturday – All Around Us

Spring is happening all around us, in little bursts that get bigger each week. In our own garden, the Crocuses, Snowdrops and Tete a Tete are coming into their own.

1.  The Strawberry plants in our double wall herb garden have become a weed, choking off lots of little Spring bulbs. I spent a couple of hours stripping out the strawberries and their runners making room for more Spring to shine through.

2.  Beautiful Muscari with Snowdrops behind. The green fencing is to keep cats off the soil. Whenever it is cleared, in they come. Does anyone have good (kind) ways to keep them off?

Muscari, also freed with room to grow

3.  More Tete a Tete are coming through the Thyme in the herb garden.

Mini Daffodils coming up through the Thyme

In neighbours’ gardens I have seen Hellebores, Camellias and a gorgeous fully blossomed Cherry Tree.






Cherry Tree

Single blossom

I am taking part in the Six on Saturday postings started by the Propagator. Go to his site to find the links to other contributions from all over the world.

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