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Six on Saturday – From Our Garden and In Our Garden

I will get around to showing you our garden but I am so excited about the twin lambs born in the field behind our garden, just this afternoon! There were already one pair of twins and two singletons but these are brand new! What could be more beautiful than that?


Twins born this afternoon, on the longest zoom.

2. We have bought some instant purple, white and green for my Suffragette garden, Violas to be planted when the storms have passed. There are also two Lavender plants waiting to be planted in pots to be on the steps up into the garden, to welcome people with their scent. I’ll show you both as they get into their permanent homes.

Violas and lavender plants to be planted

3.   Talking of scent, we borrow the scent of this amazing tree from next door but my neighbour is away so I can’t ask her what it is. She will know – maybe one of my Dear readers can help.

Wonderful scent – what is it?

4.   Our Clematis Armandii is full of flowers and quite delightful. I did expect scent from this too but it is quite elusive. I am intrigued though by the blooms, some of which have four petals, some five and some six!

5.   There are buds on our Atlantica Glauca Pendula which we are training to form an arch as one goes up the aforementioned steps into the rest of the garden.

Buds on the Atlantica Glauca Pendula

6.  I love the brightness of this Narcissi.

Spring colour

To visit lots of other gardeners and their gardens, pop along to The Propagator who hosts this Six on Saturday event. Do read the comments and follow the links – the conversations are always interesting.


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