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Six on Saturday – Here and There

It has been quite cool and windy this last week but Spring flowers still delight us in the garden. The Crocuses are all gone but the Muscari, the Tete a Tete, other Narcissi and the Chionodoxa Pink Giant are all looking lovely.

1.  The double wall garden is full of colour. I am very pleased that I oiked out all the thuggish wild strawberry plants a few weeks ago. The bulbs have flourished since.

In the double wall

2.  The Chionodoxa have opened and look really lovely. Thank you to SOS readers who helped me to identify these last week.

Chionodoxa Pink Giant

3.  We have been thinking that two little bushes that we bought last year, Potentilla Snowflake,to go on either side of the steps, had died but yesterday noticed a tiny leaf. I shall have to keep an eye on the weather as icy storms seem to be forecast  next week and I would hate the newly emerged leaves to be killed off.

Potentilla Snowflake is waking up

4.   It’s time to plant up the edible garden in the trough that is just underneath the kitchen window. I have some herbs there all year – two Thymes and the Borage keeps going and Chives for most of the year. I suddenly noticed how well the Garlic Chives are doing already.

Garlic chives

5.  The next two are not in our garden but in the gardens of Burncoose nurseries where we went for a short walk this afternoon – Magnolia . Click on the photos to get the full picture.

6.   We heard this bush/shrub/tree before we found it! It was alive with the buzzing of bees! Neither of us know what it is so here is a close up of the flowers and a longer shot of the bush/shrub/tree to show its size. Look carefully, there is another enormous Magnolia behind.

To see what other gardeners are talking about for their Six on Saturday, visit The Propagator  and read the comments from people all over the world. You could join in too!


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