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Beetle, Clematis and A Poem

I found a little green beetle on my trousers as I was working in the garden this morning.

Green Shield Bug?

Our Clematis in the front garden is spectacular – this is only about half of it!


Regular readers will have seen several of cummings’ poems on here,  another today that somehow suits the Spring and the blue skies we have been having until this afternoon.

o by the by – ee cummings
o by the by
has anybody seen
little you-i
who stood on a green
hill and threw
his wish at bluewith a swoop and a dart
out flew his wish
(it dived like a fish
but it climbed like a dream)
throbbing like a heart
singing like a flameblue took it my
far beyond far
and high beyond high
bluer took it your
but bluest took it our
away beyond wherewhat wonderful thing
is the end of a string
(murmers little you-i
as the hill becomes nil)
and will somebody tell
me why people let go
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