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Sensing Spaces, Macarons and Poem on the Underground

1. The Sensing Spaces exhibition at The Royal Academy is fabulous! If you are in London, don’t miss it. Come on a brief tour with me.

All the exhibits are interactive. The towers can be climbed up inside on spiral staircases and the golden angels can be seen in close up. The straw construction is being made by the visitors who are encouraged to add to the display. My offering was of plaited purple and green straws in a circle. The big wooden maze is entrancing and mind blowing as one encounters the mirrors and the noise of the pebbles underfoot. The smell of the wood reminds one of cut wood, a lovely smell.

2. Near the Royal Academy there is a beautiful shop that sells Les Macarons a la Ganache and I treated us all to a few for dessert tonight. Delicious!

3 Travelling home on the underground we were treated to one of the series of Poems on the Underground. I just love this one which is new to me. I hope you like it too. To me, it conjures up supper in the warmth of a Greek Island…..

Poems on the Underground is such a delightful idea. Well done to somebody!

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