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Family Tree, Dandelion and Country Music Title

I love this family tree made by the daughter of a lovely and rather special friend. She was one of my students in the Training School and was an excellent student. I always remember with great fondness that she came to my Dad’s home, in the village where my school was, to play the piano for my lovely Dad who had gone blind. He was so thrilled and so pleased both to meet C and to have her play for him. She was an accomplished player as well as a talented young teacher.

The photo was accompanied by the following text – “History, war, colonisation, freedom of movement, all of this explains why some children like mine end up with a complex family tree. My daughter will turn eight tomorrow and I pray for her world to be open-minded.”  So do I, C. Thank you for letting my post this. Happy Birthday to O.xx

I love the bright cheerfulness of dandelions!

Today is Quirky Country Music Titles Day and it was being celebrated on Radio Cornwall as I drove to my Pilates class this morning. I just loved the title and the song, ‘Tequila makes her clothes fall off!”  – not at all pc but very funny! Here is the link should you wish to listen!

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