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Plant a Tree for Hope and A Gallery of Beauty

My blog is for the Beautiful Things that I find around me every day and I have found some, of which more later. We have spent the day driving in our beautiful county of Cornwall, looking for a tree to plant in our garden, not in memory of someone we have lost but in the name of hope for the future, despite the fact that  we are to have a Conservative government for another five years. So much of our social fabric has been destroyed over the last five years that first thing this morning, all we all felt was despair but we have to bounce back, organise and care for each other. In the words of a friend “It’s a perfect opportunity to practise loving kindness, compassion, service, smiling and being kind – even in adverse circumstances.”

Now, a gallery of today’s beauty. Click on any photo for detail or the caption. All these things have made me smile.

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