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February Tree, Bunk Beds and The Hungry Bookworm

1 The sun shone for a while today and I managed to get this month’s photograph of my tree. It is still standing in a big puddle of water but it is still standing. Nearby now there is a bubbling spring which wasn’t here before all the rains. Next month I hope there will be some sign of greenery on the branches and the ground will be drier.

February tree 13.2.14

A new spring

January tree 7.1.14

2 I do enjoy getting the bunks beds ready for the Grandchildren. They are coming to stay over half term, some of the time without their parents for the first time. These duvet covers were on the spare beds in my parents’ home so are really rather special. They only come out for special people!

Shanticot as bunk beds

3 I’m off to the first meeting of a new Bookgroup tonight, The Hungry Bookworm in Falmouth – all about cookery books and recipes and tasting food – sounds right up my street! We were served these delicious tapas: Hummus, Dukkah and Burekas.


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