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Caterpillar, Toad and Bee

Our Nasturtiums in the edible trough are/were infested with caterpillars. I have taken up everything, the lettuces and the Violas were finished really though I have left the various Thymes, some Borage and the chives. I will re-plant tomorrow with Pak Choi for the winter.  Although  he  is  a  voracious  Cabbage  White  he is very beautiful!

There is a distinctly Autumny feeling to the days albeit we are still in August and I was clearing up leaves this afternoon when I saw them move of their own volition. On closer inspection, I found a tiny toad. He is hard to see in the photo but worth the find.

The bees are loving the Clematis Bill Mackenzie which we have growing up a trellis just outside the kitchen window.  It adds a very lovely  brightness  to  our  view.

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