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Father William’s Chutney and Washington

Today we were on a mission! When we were in Stanwell prior to our flight from Heathrow, we had a meal in the local pub and got talking to the people who cooked our delicious pies. They told us that Father William Whittaker, their local priest, had moved to Washington and that they missed him very much. They asked us if we would be going near his new Church, St Monica and St James on Capitol Hill and we said we would try to find it. They gave us a jar of their home made tomato chutney to take to him. 

We walked up in the rain from Union Station through many streets and finally found the Church, a lovely old building. We knocked on the door of the Rectory and met Father William who was really moved by our efforts to find him and that his ex parishioners cared enough to send him some chutney all the way from England! 


 After this delightful encounter we walked down towards the Capitol past some lovely homes, then on to first The Museum of the American Indian and then the National Gallery of of Arts where we were delighted to find the original Andrew Wyeth painting that we have loved for so long and of which we have a print at home. 

What a brilliant day that was!

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