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Footprints, Embroidery and Pudding

One of the bloggers I follow, Judy of wrote today
“Many people will walk in and out of your life, but only true friends will leave footprints in your heart.” Eleanor Roosevelt
and, of course, I thought of my Dear Friend, Angie whose footprints will be with me forever.

This amazing piece of embroidery came my way today and I really thought I should share it with you all. I absolutely love it and aspire to do similar…

Embroidered by Jennifer Kennedy Tidd

.These are the words of the very skilled embroiderer:
“I have a finish!
365 icons representing each day of this year! I started on Jan 1 having never embroidered, and now I cannot wait to do it again!
This has been one of the most rewarding projects that I have ever completed.
I encourage you to first, open your eyes to all the tiny beautiful things around you and second incorporate them into something that makes you happy!”

Today I made Panettone Pudding to use up the rather dry panettone. It is scrumptious indeed.

Panettone Pudding from BBC Good Food

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