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Kindness, Daffodil and A Poem

Doing some sorting today, I came across a scrap of paper with a quotation I had saved.

If you haven’t read The Essex Serpent, do. It is a fascinating story and very beautifully written.

One of our Daffodils was broken off by the wild winds so I brought it indoors.

The words above are from a very moving poem by Philip Larkin, reminding us all to be kind.

The Mower

The mower stalled, twice; kneeling, I found   
A hedgehog jammed up against the blades,   
Killed. It had been in the long grass.
I had seen it before, and even fed it, once.   
Now I had mauled its unobtrusive world   
Unmendably. Burial was no help:
Next morning I got up and it did not.
The first day after a death, the new absence   
Is always the same; we should be careful
Of each other, we should be kind   
While there is still time.
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