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DNA, Some Family History and Daffodils

My birthday present from the lovely Mr S was  a DNA test and the results came back today. Most of it was unsurprising – 44% England and Northern Europe with Manchester, Lancashire featuring heavily.  My maternal Grandfather was of Welsh heritage so 33% Welsh wasn’t a surprise either. Neither was the 8% Irish as my paternal Grandmother had Irish in her. The biggest surprises, though tiny amounts, were the 3% Norway and the 2% Sweden. Perhaps that’s all down to historic invasions!

Coincidentally, as I was looking for something else in my family history folder, I came across the following message from my SIL who had taken notes from one of my Father’s story telling sessions, this one about his Father-in-law, our Welsh Grandfather.

“William Richards was, in addition to being the Vicar of Cockerham, the Abbot of Cockersand, which entitled him to the right to the fish from the baulk  on occasion (full moon or new moon or some such.)  Mum used to be sent fish at college in Ripon.  Dad went with him one evening to get the fish.  Whitebait, but also salmon.”
So much  to unravel here! I know my cousins in Australia read this blog and wonder if they can add to/expand this story.
I have only a few photos of my Grandfather, the Vicar. Here he is with one of his Grandchildren. I think this is my older brother but it could be me or my cousin.  The second photo shows what a handsome couple  my Granny and Grandpa were.
I was of the understanding that Granny had Spanish in her genes but, sadly,  Spanish hasn’t shown up for me.

I bought three bunches of Cornish Daffodils yesterday and am going to take a photo each day as they open.

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