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About Me

I am a wife, a Mum of four, including twins, and now a Granny. I’ve been a teacher of teenagers (and loved it) and am now a Humanist Celebrant conducting non-religious ceremonies. I take great delight in helping couples plan their unique and very special ceremonies for weddings and baby-namings.

I grew up in Cornwall and regard it as my home though I spent too many years away. I now live here again, with a just-about view of the sea from our bedroom window and only a 10 minute drive from the North coast (Porthtowan) and 20 minutes from the south (Falmouth)

I sing in three choirs, cook and bake, knit and sew, garden, read, walk, take photos, watch the birds, am learning to play the piano, volunteer at the Royal Cornwall Museum and have volunteered in South Africa, love my family and my friends and love cooking for them and am generally a happy and positive sort of individual.

I am passionate about equality and human rights and am known to stand up for what I believe in. I am the Great Granddaughter of a Suffragette!

My decision  to write this blog came after reading the blog ‘Three Beautiful Things’.  I had recently lost my dear friend of many, many years to a brain tumour, and became even more aware, as you do when someone close to you dies, of my own mortality and decided to record three things, however simple or prosaic, that had given me pleasure each day. There are some days when that is not as easy as it sounds but writing this blog has made me focus on the positive even on the grey days…and there are grey days – mostly those days when arthritic pain bites harder than usual.

Initially writing just for my own satisfaction, I am now getting enormous added pleasure when people ‘comment’, ‘like’ and ‘follow’ and I can see that people all over the world have read about my beautiful things. So, thank you all for reading. Your visit is much appreciated.

P.S. Because people have asked –  my photos are taken on the day of posting and are not messed with in any way! If I am using old photos i.e. when going back to report on a holiday for instance, or perhaps for a Photo Challenge, I always make that clear.

P.P.S. Now and again I write a poem -to be found under Poetry, top right of the page.

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