Daffodils, Handprints and Clay

19 Jan

I met a very dear friend for a walk this morning and we walked and talked and it was so good to spend time together. A few days ago I told you about the daffodils on the verges in Cornwall and today we went past some so here they are in all their golden glory.

Towards the end of our walk we visited a small church where the peace inside was almost palpable. It was beautifully simple and had some interesting art work around. First was the wall of handprints that caught my eye immediately.

High up in a small window, on the wide ledge, was an intriguing piece of pottery that I really like and I’d like to know more about it.


One response to “Daffodils, Handprints and Clay

  1. Katie

    February 8, 2022 at 5:56 pm

    What beautiful daffodils, hand prints and interesting pottery 😀


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