Good News, Kindness and Nature’s Magic

04 Apr

We had the best news today that a singing friend had his last treatment and yesterday ‘rang the bell.’ I have his permission to share the good news and his photo where he has dressed up for the occasion.

Flour has been hard to get hold of, especially strong flour for bread making. On Thursday evening, after clapping for our carers  in this crisis, we started chatting to our other next-door neighbours whom we hardly know. We were chatting generally about shopping and life under lockdown and that we are self-isolating (not because we are ill but we are considered vulnerable) Today, on our doorstep, we found a note on a bag with flour that S&P had sourced for us from a local farm shop, such a kind gesture from people we hardly know.

We have watched with increasing amusement today as the pile of potting mix on a big cloth left on my ‘potting table’ for the next session, changed shape. As the wind has blown fairly wildly today, the random pile that filled the cloth, has gradually become a beautifully neat circle!



2 responses to “Good News, Kindness and Nature’s Magic

  1. laura

    April 5, 2020 at 6:59 am

    This is a lovely post, full of the wonder of the world and the amazing people in it, at such a strange, but also wonderful time. Quite by chance I’ve been reading a bit about a Girl Named Jack’s thoughts on bread making and remembered her making bread with all sorts of strange things, when she can’t get strong flour, and as she is also the thriftiest (and in my opinion, one of the most creative) ‘celebrity’ cooks. You most likely have heard of her, made her recipes, but just in case you fancy making a loaf in a slow cooker, or with beer instead of yeast…..

    there’s all sorts of lovely stuff on her website.

    Thank you for continuing to soothe, delight, inspire, uplift. With your way of being and sharing.


    • mybeautfulthings

      April 5, 2020 at 11:16 am

      Wow! That has me in tears! Thank you so much for your beautiful words that will inspire me to keep going. xx
      I do know about Jack Munroe and will look at that link, especially as I would love to use the slow cooker to cook bread.
      Thank you again for reading and taking the time to comment. It is very much appreciated. xx


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