Snowdrop, Cyclamen and Rebecca Solnit

17 Jan

I found our first Snowdrops in the garden this morning.

The white Cyclamen are doing well despite the rain and the wind.


I love this take on a well known prayer, giving thanks to Mother Nature. It’s from Rebecca Solnit,  an American writer who has written on a variety of subjects, including feminism, the environment and politics.

Our mother who art underfoot,
hallowed be thy names,
thy seasons come, thy will be done,
within us as around us,
thank you for our daily bread, our water, our air, and our lives and so much beauty;
lead us not into selfish craving and the destructions that are the hungers of the glutted,
but deliver us from wanton consumption
of thy vast but finite bounty,
for thine is the only sphere of life we know,
and the power and the glory, forever and ever, amen


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2 responses to “Snowdrop, Cyclamen and Rebecca Solnit

  1. Hils

    January 17, 2020 at 6:58 pm

    Absolutely love this poem!

    • mybeautfulthings

      January 17, 2020 at 10:03 pm

      Me too – a delight to find it. 🙂


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