Lighthouse, Surfers and Hay Making

28 Aug

Godrevy in the early evening is always beautiful.

Surfers were beginning to arrive.

The farmer in the back field has been mowing and baling and today brought the stacks to put in the shed. I love the autumn colours in this shot.

Tractor on the move

Checking on the names for the stooks or bales or stacks or bundles, I came across this information which made me smile.



3 responses to “Lighthouse, Surfers and Hay Making

  1. Heyjude

    August 29, 2019 at 10:37 pm

    Godrevy is my favourite place. Lovely photos Sally.

  2. Ti Østmo

    August 29, 2019 at 8:41 am

    I remember in the Land Army, after the grass was cut, we had to turn it each day by hand to dry. A few days later when the hay was dry, we pitch-forked it into a cart, then sat on top while the horse took us to where the haystack was being built. The hay was spread out under the direction of the farmer and built up to form a haystack. It sounds very romantic but was actually very dusty work and extremely prickly because of all the thistles!
    The finished haystack was thatched with straw.
    There were stooks and shocks – one was hay, the other straw, but I can’t remember which was which.

    • mybeautfulthings

      August 30, 2019 at 7:18 am

      Thank you for this precious memory. I loved reading it and imagining you as a Land Girl. It has always looked and sounded romantic in films and stories but here we have the prickly truth! Thank you very much for taking the time to comment. With love xx


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